Need for a Blockchain Solution
Inadequacy of trusted data is one of the major issues faced during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This just cannot be blamed upon the ongoing hoaxes, but the principal reason behind this situation was the presence of multiple data sources and voices.
Hence, the need of the hour is certainly a robust system based on specific standards to transmit reliable information for the government, different institutions and the society at large. Blockchain is one of the options that can be utilised for public health data surveillance for outbreaks of infectious disease such as COVID-19, Influenza, Ebola, Mers, and so on. The technology bears enough potential in using cases which would be crucial in tracking and tackling the pandemic crisis currently terrorising the entire planet.
The Success Story of VeriDoc Global
- VeriDoc Global has put up a commendable job by developing a Patented Solution backed by Blockchain Technology. It is meant to play a vital role as a platform setting real differentiation in terms of combatting the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Ebola, MERS, and Influenza viruses.
- The Areas That Required A Well Established Data System Backed by Blockchain In this dynamic world where change is the only constant thing with the huge advancements in terms of travelling.
- it is really difficult to set boundaries between countries and even continents. COVID-19 has transformed this boon into an alarming bane. The ease of travelling around the world has made it easier for the deadly coronavirus to travel from one corner of the world to another lightning fast. As travel time has diminished in great scale so now an individual infected with COVID-19 can travel halfway around the world infecting hundreds of people completely unaware of the consequences of getting infect
- The World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations faced enormous challenges with the severity of the virus and had to declare it as a pandemic situation within a month it started expanding in full-scale. The greatest challenge was faced in the East and West African regions. These were the belts which previously survived the wave of the dreaded Ebola virus which has killed thousands of people during the last few decades. Although the governments of these regions could control Ebola successfully
- The infiltration of huge migrants from countries devastated by work posed another major challenge for the government and respective authorities in charge of tackling the issues. Innumerable solutions have been offered by the companies working in the Information Technology (IT) domain towards solving the problems related to migration, health, medical treatment, and so on but none proved to be feasible in providing the ultimate remedy to all the challenges.
- It is crucial to set up a secure system for collecting real-time data related to the travel history, diagnosis, prescribed treatments, and treatment location irrespective of geographical locations across the world. If this data set can be accomplished then fighting COVID-19, and even MERS, Influenza, or Ebola would be far easier.
That’s the point where the VeriDoc Patented Solution stands out in the crowd. Here are the key highlights of the unique solution.

The solution carries a unique capability backed by Authenticity and Proof of Provenance which helps it in tracking and tracing the real time elements in these challenges faced by the authorities.

The flexible formula of the VeriDoc Patented Solution makes it really easy for the health authorities to access anytime, anywhere in the world. It’s only a matter of a few seconds to access the real-time data.

There is no need to access any of the patient’s records to use this solution efficiently.

The next most vital aspect happens to be that the data belonging to the International Health Card holder, world health authorities, government and other relevant authorities remain absolutely secure at all times with VeriDoc Patented Solution.

The solution helps health authorities and governments in tracking down the applicable treatments and it is an advantageous aspect in terms of the Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, and Influenza viruses. This enables the organizations in real time monitoring of all aspects of treatments and movement of people in regions affected by these viruses. The International Health Card plays a big role in this case.

The relevant health organizations and authorities that use the VeriDoc Secured Solution have the entire set of records and data stored on their data systems

The access to the relevant data and information can be kept restricted to medical staff by the relevant authorities as a mandate.

The Proof of Provenance and Authenticity constituting real-time data and records associated with patients comprising an International Health Card is an added benefit. This helps them to secure medical support for ailments like Coronavirus (COVID-19), Influenza, Ebola, or MERS viruses and many more. This is indeed a significant advantage of having VeriDoc Patent Solution.

It is also easier for the physician to check the data that keeps on getting updated. Hence, it gets easier to implement final recommendations for administering treatment to the patient.

With real time data and traceability with GPS Tracking, if a patient has the International Health Card issued by the World Health Organization, United Nations and other Governments, or medical authorities and statutory bodies then it is really helpful in the time of emergencies. They are offered access to medical treatments as per the patient’s condition.. This also helps in placing alerts in the card wherever a travel restriction is applicable.

There is no need of storing any data or records while using VeriDoc Global.

It is also possible for the medical staff to add real time medical data, genomics, images, and other relevant reports into the patients’ history. Thus, it remains secured with the VeriDoc Solution on the blockchain network.

As a patient visits a doctor or health facility carrying the VeriDoc Global secured International Health Card then it is indeed a useful approach. It helps the assigned medical staff in scanning the QR Code on the International Health Care card . Thus, an access to the medical history of the patient is granted to them. Each visit eventually gets registered on the data records of a particular patient. Similarly, all logins marked in the health cards are time stamped and the record of the GPS loca

Lastly, it gets simpler to update data and create a permanent record aided by the VeriDoc Global Solution. The record is all inclusive of data related to diagnostics or procedures, medications and pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services provided. Whether it is Coronavirus treatment or treatment of MERS, Influenza, Malaria, TB, Measles or Chickenpox, or just any other ailment, the records of immunization, vaccination, medications immensely help in making proper diagnosis and administer.
A huge population growth has been forecasted across the developing nations over the next thirty years and this will surely lead to huge financial and infrastructure burden placed on these nations. Apart from this, the deadly Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, Influenza, TB, Measles and others will have a great impact on the international communities if not controlled efficiently. VeriDoc Global tends to put forth effective measures to cope up with such unforeseen consequences.
Without an effective data system, it would be an immense financial burden to secure immediate and future requirements of patients medical data, records, traceability and proof of provenance in real time. This will eventually have a negative impact in terms of inability in rendering proper treatment for the deadly ailments like Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS and Influenza. If adequate control won’t be administered on time then it will be absolutely impossible to tackle them effectively. VeriDoc Global Patent Solution is made to exercise perfect control over all healthcare woes in the post pandemic world.

From the blog
- Oct 06, 2020
The breakout of Coronavirus disease 2019, 2020 has left people and the whole system scrambled. The sectors like; health, education, financial even the government got effected by this virus. Situations are tough now and most important things have to move on.
Oct 06, 2020Since this deadly virus called Covid-19 arrived today, the pandemic is still in the news. In the health sectors, doctors are treating a large number of patients with Coronavirus symptoms every day. At this moment the demand for medicines is in the high range now, so as the medical supplies.
The Coronavirus and Blockchain TechnologyThe coronavirus belongs to a family of such kind of viruses that can cause the common cold and respiratory issues. The coronavirus disease 2019, 2020 is caused by a specific type of coronavirus that has been mutated in 2019.__Oct 01, 2020
The Coronavirus and Blockchain TechnologyThe outbreak of corona in 2019 is now at its peak point and the result has turned to this pandemic right now. People are getting infected with this virus. Some are recovering and some are dying.__Sep 14, 2020